Thoughts and Prayers
I wrote this at 3am after learning about Uvalde. One of those laying in bed moments when you can’t sleep so you grab your phone to document your thoughts. The text is below the video.
Our thoughts die with them
Our prayers meet them in heaven
While they sit and are waiting
For us to do something
To care for the living
It’s not fair they are dying
While we sit and do nothing
But offer our prayers and our thoughts and our shouting
at one another and yet we do nothing
A stand still
They’re waiting for us to do something
To try or to care
Yes we care
But do nothing
It’s not fair
No one cares
No, not really,
or else we’d do something
Someone else’s problem
So sad oh so sorry
Your loss, for your loss, my thoughts
They are with you
My prayers for your solace
Not action, condolence,
For change do not call us.
You’ll get nothing from us.
Let sadness befall us
Won’t know how it happened
And do nothing to solve it.
We do nothing ’til we’re nothing
We are nothing
It’s what we’ve become.
(c) May 25, 2022