Top Three Thursday – Un-American?
I voted today! Huzzah! Fourth in line and everything. It took me longer to get to work than it did to vote. As I stood in line to finally cast my ballot and finally get to “check-out”…
Top Three Thursday* – Sad Halloween
Hey guys! Yesterday was my four year anniversary so didn’t get to post, but never fear! Your T3 is still here! Although Halloween is around the corner, we all started seeing the candy back in August. I…
Top Three Thursday – 1 Perspective
The hubby told me he finally got fed up with the campaign coverage. It’s become apparent that at this point the likelihood of changing someone’s mind is slim to impossible. I’ve recently “lost friends” due to this…
Top Three Thursday – Kid Cereal
I made a lovely joke at school that the fun part of being an adult was finally getting to eat the kid cereals mom didn’t allow. This prompted a heck of a discussion I would love to…
Your Rage Place
This afternoon I noticed my external hardrive was missing a lot of my documents. My hard work, my dedicated compositions and plans, all gone and there was no way to recover it. What’s worse? I realized this…