
  • Top Three Thursday – Shakes!

    Some of you have seen the funny posts of the “batidos” I get every time I go to my parents’ house whether I want one or not (that’s the funny bit). I have been craving a very…

  • Top Three Thursday – Airplanes

    We have made it a point to do whatever we can to travel somewhere at least once a year, which is great! However, as the hubby would say, I “can find the cloud in any silver lining.”…

  • Top 3 Thursday – “Defenders”

    Despite trying to minimize my television intake, Netflix keeps creating and posting the most amazing series! Now, being the marvel nerd that I am, I feel it’s time to rank the Netflix Defenders (I say “Netflix” because,…

  • Top Three Thursday – Un-American?

    I voted today! Huzzah! Fourth in line and everything. It took me longer to get to work than it did to vote. As I stood in line to finally cast my ballot and finally get to “check-out”…