
Top Three Thursday – Airplanes

We have made it a point to do whatever we can to travel somewhere at least once a year, which is great! However, as the hubby would say, I “can find the cloud in any silver lining.” (Thanks babe). Well, although I try to be a positive person, some shared awful experiences make for great comedy and bonding. So let’s see which of these top 3 airport/airplane horror stories you can relate to!

I have a terrible time sleeping on flights, I may have to resort to taking some aid next time because my ability to entertain myself on a plane is dwindling in the world of technological dependency. Talk about 1st world problems, but we were promised a charging station of at least the usb variety on a 9+ hour flight, and alas, nada. There was a 4×4 screen with plenty of new releases but when you forgot to charge your kindle (guilty), or you want to type up a little blurb, you better make it quick! Not that you could hear the movies anyway over the engines. Now, I normally bring a “real people book,” but since I’m in my husband’s created 52 challenge, I’m sort of between books right now. It’s not them… it’s me.



This one reminds me of my mother (always a fabulous start). I am a tall woman luckily married to a taller man so he understands me when I say I have a long stride. I do not walk particularly fast but my steps are larger moving forward so it appears that way to my 5’3 mother who would get mad at me for making her double step to keep up (should have taken fast stealth mama). I understand it’s an airport and people get lost or confused or [my favorite] decide to stop abruptly in the middle of a high traffic area… ok. No. I actually do not understand that. Moral of story is: I’m in no hurry but having to constantly “tap my brakes” behind oblivious meandering in high traffic areas ruins my stride. There’s enough space to make this work like traffic… slow on the right, quick on the left. The most egregious offense is the slow walker on the left. C’MON PEOPLE! You have a side, use it.


2: Price for Luxury or Human Dignity

We work hard for our money but I can’t afford a freaking extra $400 -$5,000 (no joke) per person to get proper legroom for someone over 5’4. I’m usually not fussy about economy seating because I can fall asleep with some extra melatonin and I normally use the aisle seat when available (and Southwest has spoiled me, letting me choose my own seat) but hot damn this was awful! I’ve flown many different airlines and I can say that for the most part these super huge name-brand carriers are storage compartments not made for proper human travel. Seriously! A sardine would look at this arrangement with disapproval! I walked by the first level of ridiculousness where they have fully reclining beds that massage the legs, down comforters, and pillows (and so much more, but I’m disgusted so I’ll stop). The medium level, which was still hundreds of dollars more than economy, boasts an extra 5 inches of legroom! Whoa golly! A teacher only needs to work an entire month without bills, rent, or food, to afford the upgrade ONE WAY! Honestly, I am lucky that I have a travel partner too because sitting that close to anyone else would have to involve buying me dinner first.


1:  Non-stop screaming child way too old to be doing it!

NINE. HOUR. FLIGHT. NINE! (.5). Let me preface by saying I have an uncanny patience for children (less so with adults, but that’s a different post). This may ruffle some feathers but I don’t even mind babies crying on a plane. They’re freaking babies. They cry. It sucks. It’s inconvenient. It’s loud but I always put myself in the mortified position of the parent and sympathize. THIS situation, ladies and gents, was a 6+ year old STANDING on his seat despite multiple and stern reminders by the flight attendants to have him sit with his seatbelt fastened. He was yelling. Straight up laughing and yelling and talking for NINE HOURS. Did I mention this was a red-eye flight? So while I’m 19 rows behind him (I counted because after a point I was just impressed that his voice would carry the way it did) I would be abruptly woken from my dreadfully uncomfortable sleep by him yelling and laughing. Has this parent never heard of an inside voice? The passengers near her even brought it up to her around hour 6… she did nothing, said nothing, and continued to let her child stand on the seat, yell, and jump. The attendants were even frustrated and brought up safety as a way to keep him seated. NOPE. She clearly has had years to practice tuning him out. We only had 9 hours. Ironically, he was silent at baggage claim. I’ll tell you something you may already know… but one LOOK from my mother, especially at that age, and I’d be a freaking ANGEL for however many hours I had to sit next to her. Step it up lady. Our REM cycles thank you.


  • VF

    I had to update since we flew back to the US… Continuous and unrepentant flatulence of passengers now makes the list. Dear baby Jesus… it was constant and awful! What do you say to that? Honestly? I had to speak to the flight attendant to give me some air freshener sprayed on some tissues to wave around every few minutes. 🙁

  • Ricky

    This is great! As a frequent flier, I have experienced all of these. My worst story was on United (shocking, right?) where a couple had a baby falling asleep and suddenly the safety video came on much louder than usual and woke the baby up. I stood up for the family and asked the flight attendant to turn it down, to which she responded and said “the safety video is supposed to be loud”. Now, I am no sound engineer, but I am pretty sure the speaker exceeded OSHA standards so I could have claimed the 85 dB rule at 1 meter, but I refrained as it would have only delayed the flight and I’m sure the parents just wanted to get home.

  • Alaina

    I’m proud of you for not getting up and using your teacher voice or mom look to reprimand the child, but had you the whole plane may have erupted in applauses. It would have been funny though to sit beside the mother and use the same punishment on her by not letting her accomplish whatever she was soooo into. I feel for you, I can’t stand misbehaving children in public… Is there no respect left in this world? I am guilty of using the mom look and teacher voice on other kids in public though… Hehe I don’t like to feel on edge because I’ve already thought of the twenty different bad ways the situation would have ended up without me intervening.

    • VF

      I know deep down that it’s “not my responsibility” but at the same time, deep down, I feel that it is. When there is a situation brewing, I have been known to intercede and mediate, but it’s exhausting, even when the situation works out for the best. Honestly though, in these situations, there is nothing I could have done that would have improved a thing. 🙁

      • Alaina

        I definitely understand the feeling of just having to go through it. I am stuck in situations like this when I visit my family daily. And sometimes it’s better to sit and say under our breathe, “Did that really just happen?” then to leave the room which would cause more drama. I may start carrying ear plugs in my purse. 😂

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