
Top Three Thursday – 20th Anniversary Special!

It’s the week of the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter being brought into this world. Before I get into the [controversial] list this week, I want to take a second to recall what got me reading Harry Potter in the first place. I’d love to hear your story of this by the way!!!

THE STORY: My mother worked long hours so my school’s extended day program was a frequent occurrence even though I was never officially on the list. Everyone I knew had already gone and I decided to walk outside for some fresh air and sit on this bench between the 6th and 7th grade rooms. I saw a book there with an oddly drawn boy riding a broomstick. There was no backpack around, no other students around, and no library code on the book, so I picked it up and began to read it. I was 9 chapters in by the time my mom could pick me up and I remember standing up from that bench, about to return the forgotten book to the lowly bench for the night…. And decided against it. “I’ll bring it back tomorrow and ask,” I thought to myself. I finished that book the same night! What luck, I was in extended day the following day and no one claimed the book! By this time, Chamber of Secrets was also already out so I begged my mom to buy it for me and thus began my yearly pre-ordering and midnight releases until college (these kids will never know!!!) That book is still in my library at home, mismatched with what would inevitably become my collection but a constant reminder of that fateful afternoon.

Now for the ranking… as we know there are 7 books but if I had to choose MY top 3 of them all, here they are! NB: I did NOT consider the movie adaptations because I found I do rank those slightly differently.

Honorable mention:

Deathly Hallows

Who doesn’t need the resolution this book provides? But also, killing Hedwig on page 55, I mean really? Is nothing sacred? This book was just so much to handle that it could actually be deemed the “best one” but honestly, who wants to re-read this? This is the type of book that needs to sit on my shelf for a while until I forget the pain, then my nostalgia pulls me in and whambam! I’m in tears again. #Fred #NotMyDaughter #WeaselysWinandLose





3: I’ll admit, I am partial to this book because it introduced my favorite character: Sirius Black. Although, I am willing to admit that is not enough to rank compared to other books, here is the true reason: This book turned the entire narrative of Harry’s life upside down! We are now three books in, trusting people who have Harry’s best interest in mind. Introduce Lupin to this mix and now you have primary source material for the lie that has been perpetuated for years, incarcerating an innocent man.

For years everyone thought the best friend of James Potter betrayed him, Harry’s godfather!!! Can you imagine living with this, in Azkaban dying on the inside because you are mourning the loss of your friends and family but also because the surviving members of that group think you are a traitor. Everyone who loves Harry is earnestly trying to protect him and then BAM, truth comes out. Not only does this change the trust game for Harry [before mad-eye/crouch jr] and everyone else, but the fact that the just resolution does not come into fruition just makes this book even more realistic and heart wrenching. It’s beautiful and sad, and although Goblet of Fire is interesting, revisiting the puzzle work formula, and the obvious turn of events at the end (whoa!) I think book 3 is the one that really turns the tide.

 2. The Half-Blood Prince 
This book! My god! The character development alone is enough to keep you wanting to read this over and over (skipping the “ron ron chapters every now and again, of course), though I see the dire need for comedic relief because this book is heeaaavy! First, the book is called the half blood prince and throughout the book the potions text Harry uses is brought up, but I never felt that it took the front seat as far as plot was concerned. Unlike Chamber of Secrets where all crises could have been avoided if someone had just told Harry Voldemort’s real name (who doesn’t know that?! It’s not like he killed Harry’s parent’s and he now has an uncanny curiosity into the guy.. oh wait… but seriously!) I digress…. The 6th book is filled with much unease and anxiety that forgetting all abut the text here makes perfect sense! For the first time since the first book, we are taught more about the wizarding world and its history: we discover horcruxes, the penseive is used extensively, we learn about Voldemort’s past and gain insight into what makes him tick, we see how others interacted with him in the past, we also get to see current deatheaters’ support in various degrees [the fear, the admiration, and everything in between]. In the end we are left stunned, betrayed, angry, and hurting for answers under the weight of futility! This was also the year of sides. The avada kedavra heard across the world! #Snapeisgood

1. Philosopher’s Stone
I can read this book in a couple of hours so it’s just a fun little read for me. I have read this one far more than any of the others. Also, how can you dispute the original magic of the first book? The experience, the wonder, the sorting hat song! This is one of the most dogmatic books too. Most any reference or citation you need for how the wizarding world works can be found or hinted at in this book. I’m trying to think of any bad parts this book may have and I cannot think of any. Even the house ghosts were entertaining and purposeful. It also introduced the great formula of problem-solving quests the famous trio will embark on throughout the series, and unlike Chamber of Secrets, this one once solved never gets old. Cheers!



Did I get your top 3 list right? If not, then what are your top 3 [if you had to choose]? Also, when you get a chance, I’d love to hear how you were first introduced to the HP-verse!

One Comment

  • Joey Savage

    I was introduced by my then girlfriend now wife Ally Bell and was right around the movie release of Half Blood Prince and I hadn’t seen or read any of it. I binged watched it and was hooked. I think I watched the series over and over again for like 6 months and now ima bigger fan than her

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