Hot Takes

Monday Musing – Talking to Strangers

A happy Monday to you all! I’m in a different time zone again so I’ll keep it short.

I am a chatty person and on a full plane ride that means we may be chatting a bit because it makes me feel comfortable knowing who I’ll be sardines with for X amount of hours, and even chattier in an uber. Every now and then that brief small talk turns into a long exchange like it did yesterday. I am at a work conference this week and the lady I say next to and I talked the entire plane ride. 3.5 hours, non stop (The flight and our conversation). We even discussed what led us on this particular flight and seat, all very circumstantial but ultimately awesome! We exchanged contact information and may be having dinner at some point this week.

Uber is a slightly different story. I get chatty because I get nervous. I’m from the generation where we even had cartoon workbooks and worksheets telling us to not talk to strangers and definitely 100% Do not get into their car!!! Now we pay people to do it. Although incredibly convenient when I’ve had to use it,  it is still disconcerting to me especially if I am by myself.

Here’s a brief checklist that I run through if I absolutely must be alone in a ride service:
1. check that the door opens from the inside (child lock is off) and that the window rolls down.

2. Shake their hand making eye contact and ask how to say their name if needed. (It’s only fair since they usually ask mine!)

3. The uber rating of the individual.

4. I always text my location, screenshot of uber plates, name, and thumbnail and call letting someone know exactly where I am.

5. Sometimes when unfamiliar with the area, I’ll  navigate simultaneously on my phone.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Anyway,  yesterday’s uber ride was hilarious because the first thing he said to me was, “You know you have a 5 star rating? I’ve never, never, picked up any rider with a 5 star rating. I don’t even have a 5 star rating! How did you do it?” Hahaha! I had so many questions.
1. How does he have a 4.9?
2. I didn’t know the drivers had a rating system for their customers but it made sense.
3. What type of questions were asked?

We chatted about football, his life, where he is from, why he is here versus there,  siblings,  etc. I told you,  I get chatty. Ultimately I realize I talk to a lot of people and ask a lot of questions. Although I’ve been told it’s “kinda weird,” I have a feeling it is why I have a 5 star uber rating! 😉

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